Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Dying is a big, big deal but I have experienced it with someone close to me, but with the passing of Michael Jackson it has really hit close to home that time is precious and very limited so you have to live each day to the fullest.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Micommunication is the biggest problem one can have in a relationship, you talk and talk and tlk and talk but no one listens it is really testing my patience. am at my wits end.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


In high school teachers were always asking, where do you see yourself two years from now, and have never given that question much thought, but here I a now twenty five years old and I am trying to see the future but it keeps eludng me.

I have tried all my life to suceed I try not to think about the past, but to always look towards the future. I am always expecting the unexpected so now nothing surprises me very much.

I life you learn that with hard work, your blood sweat and tears you will suceed in life no matter how hard it is.

Friday, June 5, 2009


What is it that no one understands that on Friday's evenings after work my only thought is to laze out on my sofa in my underwear an just relax, not moving, not feeling , no thinking just wallowing in my self.

So this means no noise, no ringing phone, no complaining just me, myself and I spending some quiet alone time together. But does this happen? Nope it does not because no one understands the concept of me, me, me, me time.

So here I am at 10:26 on a friday night and I have yet to sit back and relax and as far as I can see there is no wallowing in my near future.

If anyone is out there please hear my cries. HELP. HELP. PLEASE HELP ME.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Saving Money in these hard times

I have come to the conclusion that I need to cut costs in my home and I have started with my cable package. I have the cable, internet and telephone in one but the more I think about I do not need a telephone in my house because I have the unlimited plan from sprint and I am at work all the time so I can use the internet there if I want to do something online.

So whoopie I just saved myself about $60 a month. In these times you have to cut the fat and that is exactly where my head is leading right now so if something does not make you money or have the potential to make you some extra income you need to leave it behind, now is the time to be selfish and frugal with "YOUR" money.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I have been feeling extremely maternal lately, must be the fact that I have 4 nieces and 2 nephews. Now at the ripe old age of twenty five the big question is looming "Am I ready for the little devils" maybe yes, maybe no.

It has been really thinking at what point in ones life are they actually ready for kids, is it when you get married, when your career is on the right track or is it when you purchase your own home, anyway you put it I am still trying to find out where exactly kids factor into my future, so for now I have to be satisfied with Aunty Chelsi and Aunty "bella".

Monday, April 6, 2009

Miss Messy

I have been trying for years to keep my office organized but I have finally come to the conclusion that it is impossible I just have everything in piles upon piles upon piles but I know what is in each and every nook and cranny. So all you people peeping into my office and criticizing please keep your eyes to youself. I have a system and I am sticking to it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Have you ever felt so helpless like there is no hope, it's like everyone thinks you have this perfect life and everything is gravy, but inside you are falling apart, well guess what welcome to my life, it's like for every two thingsthat go right there is another three things that go horribly wrong. Don't gety me wrong I was not always this crazy emotional basket case, but with time comes more resposibilities, and with a harsh life comes tough lessons, we can't all remain sweet and innocent forever.

For the most part I try to look on the bright side and stay positive but it can be extremely hard with all the negativity out there whether it's from the news or just from the people around you.Sometimes I sit and remember the girl with the positve attitude who thought everything would happen for her in time, her naiveness still urkes me butwhat can you do but grow up and face the harsh realities that is ones life.

I must admit I have gooten more negative as the years have passed but with the help of my sister, my crazy niece and a loving spouse I will muddle my way through this maze and hopefully find my salvation on the other side.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I was fortunate enough to attend a party last night with my sister and my cousin and by the looks of everything, from the stretch limo outside the club to the many creative outfits worn by the ladies and gentlemen present, it is very clear to me that some people are not taking this recession thing very seriously, because why then would you go to a local Jamaican party in Queens, New York in a custom made outfit.

So next time I am feeling the urge to go to a party on a saturday night, I will certainly rethink the whole thing, after all I am one of the many few who are actually planning for the future.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Is is ok to not like about half the people in one's family, be real most family members can and are very annoying so why should I talk to or even communicate with them they only call you when they need something anyway, and they don't even try to sugar coat it no call to say hello, no how are you and the family just gimme, gimme, gimme, well it's recession time now so there is nothing more to give.