Thursday, September 13, 2012


Give and take, that is the kind of world we live in. The universe is a fickel place filled with obstacles and major disappointments. One must work hard to succeed and achieve our goals, but on the climb up that mighty ladder never you stumble or get sidetracked or you will be only one of many that have to pick up that shovel yet again and try to dig yourself up from the hole that your mistakes have put you in. The many journeys that a person takes during their lifetime can never be easy. How do you choose the right path?. One wrong decision can derail an entire future. The wrong path chosen can lead to not only unhappiness in your life but also in the lives of those closest to you. Some follow the path of least resistance also known as the easy road, but is there such a thing?, no matter what path a person chooses whether they think it is easy of difficult, there will be obstacles in their way that will be hard for them to overcome. So give up or keep going that I think is the hardest choice of our lives.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Finaly after many months of planning, saving, more planning and even more saving I have purchased a new car, abeautiful 2009 Honda Civic white. I think that I might be in love with a car for the first time in my life, pathetic I know but I have been drivng around New york for the last couple of years in gas guzzlers, muffler bangers and all around crappy cars, all the while avoiding the costs of purchasing a new automoble. Now finally after alot of ribbing and snide comments from my sister and Suzy I decided that it was time. Even thou I am happy with this new development, the hole in my pocket is still protesting. So what is the next step in my master plan to world domination. Save. save and more saving. And what am I saving towards you might ask, oh well just a little thing called my own condo. I purchased myself a mega million ticket today, so who knows maybe I could be siting on 25 million big ones as I sit here at my desk. So good luck to me and all my fellow dreamers. Remember dream big.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I just looked into myself and realized that I spend so much of my time thinking about what I do not have, that I am forgetting what I do have in my life.

This is a problem that is not only plaguing me but the rest of society as well.Stressing about getting that new fancier car and we fail to apreciate the little car that we do have, taking us to work on a daily basis, providing heat in the winter and air condition in the hot summer months.
       There is no problem trying to achieve more in life, reaching for the stars until you feel like your hands are about to pop out of their socket. For me it is almost like an obsession, to be more , do more, achieve more.So much so that lately I have lost my way, strayed from my path. I have been working so hard the last few months that I have bypassed my bed and moved to sleeping on my couch because by the time I get home jump in the shower and sit at my computer for 3-4 hours, I am so exhausted that I just crash on the sofa, only to awaken at 6am the to start the process all over again.
         I have come to realize that my chase for the perfect life, is getting in the way of me spending quality time with my friends and family. The people that love and support me no matter what.

So starting today, I vow to spend less time searching for perfection and unattainable happiness and focuscing more of my energy on my loving family and friends.

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Recently my sister got into an altercation with a coworker. My sister is of African desent aand this person was of the white variety.
In a heated argument she called my sister a black monkey, and promptly told her that she does not belong "here".

Personally I have never been the victim of any sort of racial profiling,but I got so heated when my sister was replaying the whole sordid mess for me and my friend Suzy. Understandably so, my sister let her have it with guns blazing, tellng her if she so hates peope of color maybe New York with its vast immigraton population is not the best place to be living.

I am still extremely upset about the entire incident and so hurt, that I cannot help feeling that  maybe people that I meet are judging me by the color of my skin and not who I am as a person.
Friends have told me that I am a little naive burying my head in the sand about this whole racism issue, because for me I always thought that since I am not seeing it first hand and it is not happening to me, it does not exist. I guess the saying "out of sight, out of mind" is true.
Now with this incident so close to home, I am forced to examine this most pressing issue plauging out society today,  and I have come to realize that I do get looked at differently depending on where I am and who I am with.
Whenever I hang out with my friend Suzy who just happens to be white we get little side glances sometimes.
For me I don't see color, whether you are black, white orange or purple is of no concern to me. What is important is what yo have in your heart.

My sister informed me yesterday that her coworker recently quit. I guess that means racists are not only stupid, but they are quitters as well.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

"Writing" The key to my soul

I have writing ever since I could remember and reading for twice as long. Whether its poetry or a short story I have written it, or whether its a novel love story I have read it.

I have written so many thins it is had to keep tract or even to remember some of the things that I have written about, it has gotten to a point where I am running out of note books to write in and running out of space to store book that I have read.

So I have come to the conclusion that I need to take this writing thing seriously, so I have decided to go one of so many way.

1. Actually finish writing a book and have it published. (I have so may ideas floating around in my head it's like a circus).

2. Start yet another blog where I will post my stories for the masses, no mtter how racy.

or (drawing a blank). Help a sista out!!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Life Changes

I now I have not updated my blog for awhile now but I have been extremely busy at home and work. The office is getting busier and busier everyday, I keep going in early and leaving later and later.

At home is even more stressing, I decided to invite my cousin and her daughter to live with me and my hubby, and a few months ago hubby decided he wanted his kids(ages 10 & 4) to come live with us. So I have gone to living practically alone to living with 3 kids. Lord give me strength.

Wht can I do thou, as I always say"Its Family" and we all do what we can to help each other out.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


In recent weeks the state of Arizona has made it known the lengths they will go to for there so called immigration reform and as much as I want to blame them for there stupidity, I cant because it is full time this country start discussing immigration reform and stop pushing it to the side. According to the US there are over eleven million illegal immigrants in the country (how exactly they came up with this number since they dont know who these people are, is simply proposterus).

I understand the main focus before was on the economy and the healthcare system and of course the war in Iraq, but Washington must be made to understand that finding and legalizing undocumented immigrants is a step towards they future for this country. There are millions of people out there some working (wanting to pay taxes but are afraid), some working and paying taxes(also scared of one day getting kicked out from the very county they have been paying taxes to.

The new law they are trying to pass in Arizona should open the eyes of the president, democrats and republicans alike to stop thinking about themselves and their political agendas and think about this country not only to protect the people that are here, (whether lawful or unlawful) and also find a way to keep out those that would do the country harm.

We as american cannot keep grouping all illegal immigrants together, there are kids that were brought here by there parents since they were babies and are only finding out when they graduated highschool and looking to go to college they they are illegal in this county. What are these children to do? They are highschool graduates, looking to become doctors or even lawyers, but they are stuck because most colleges will not accept them without the necessary documentation, nor will they find legitamate paying jobs that will allow them to work and go to school (since it is illegal to hire an undocumented worker).

I say the time for excuses is over, who cares that elections are in november, the time for immigration reform is now, not tomorrow, not nextweek, not next month, or next year, the time to bring forth an immigration plan to bring people out of the shadows, let them pay a fine for entering the country illegally, those without criminal records will step to the front of the line and get a shot at what they have been aiming for, a shot at the american dream.